Apr 6, 2007

Eight basic emloyment rules you can't afford to miss.

There many reasons people changing job. Any job getting old one day vs. new job is fun in a beginning and time going fast. Or may be you overqualified and employer do not value that. Or, perhaps place where you work have no room for you to grow. Changing job is crucial for many. If you one of them please read cover letter meaning, and those who knows what cover letter is, here some "eight must have" basics.

1. Your return address, phone number, should appear on the top right hand corner of the letter.

2. Include the date just above the beginning of the letter.

3. Begin with salutation: "Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs." followed by the individual's last name, then a colon(:). If you are applying to a blind ad and don't know the name of the person, it is acceptable to write "Dear Hiring Manager."

4. The first paragraph should state immediately which position you are applying for. Also, you may want to include that you are responding to an advertisement, with the date of its publication.

5. The second should provide information about why you would be beneficial for the company.

6. The third should mention your knowledge of the company or the industry in which it operates, and why it would be interesting for you to work there.

7. The final is your closing, and can specifically request an interview — but don't forget to include the time of day when you are most easily reached. Follow up with a phone call after a few days.

8. The closing should be simple — "Best regards," or "Sincerely" are always appropriate.

Creating new resume also will help you to feel more confident or will help you to see in what place of your career path you right now.