Jun 27, 2007

Interview must tell.


A little about yourself. You need to represent your biography, name, age. Are you married, have kids?

Some formalities.

Some of them include: your age and gender, experience, driving license, ownership of the car, some special knowledge(computer software, languages, knowledge of law, military services history etc.) This a minimum of information without which your resume not going to go anywhere.

Your strong and weak sides.

From point of view of HR person the most important information is the following:

Career path. No one likes to hire person who goes from one way to another - because such a person not completely knows his goals.

Constant employment. If you had some unemployment days in your life you better have a good explanation for it.

Periods of work in each position. Small time on each position says that you had no idea what you want. Best timing is 2 3 years on each position.

Achievements. Important not that you did something, important that you did it better than others. You need to mention all good that you did on your previous job. You need to understand that achieve something is not mean to do your job right but to do more than that.

Reasons why you left your previous job.