Mar 23, 2006


The questions you will have to answer during all

Tell a little bit about yourself?
How can you describe yourself?
Tell something about your previous working place?
Tell something about your previous boss and colleagues?
The reasons of having been fired?
What do you know about our company?
Why have you chosen our company?
Why would you like to work for our company?
What about your education?
Is it connected with the sphere of work of our company?
Can you be useful for our company and why?
What are your advantages?
What are your main disadvantages?
What kind of work do you like (or dislike) most of all?
What did you like most at your previous position?
What was you main mistake at your previous working place?
What are your hobbies?
What are you life ambitions?
How are you planning to reach and satisfy your ambitions?
What would you like to change in the past of your life?
How much money would you like to earn?

What will you do in such situation as (and then there is always a description of some kind of a plight in your work).

Sometimes the employer may ask for example: What did you do yesterday
evening?" it means that he is interested in your way of life. Tell him
how you usually spend your free time.

There is a category of sly interviewers. They know very well than you
have been on dozens of job interviews and have a great experience. They
know that you have answered the typical questions hundreds of times and
that is why they prefer to ask the candidate in different way. They
will not ask you why have you left your previous position but he will ask
for example: what should be changed on your previous position that
will make you return and go on working?"

Such kind of questions will show the real reasons of your dismissal
from your work. You have to be ready for such traps.

It is important that your strategy should be concentrated on the job
you are looking for, and your abilities to cope with it. It would be
easier to answer the questions on the interview. But answering them, try
not to exaggerate your abilities and do not speak in a haughty manner
about your pluses. If you are a great employee try to show it using other
ways of convincing the interviewer.

If you are asked about your strong points tell only those detail which
are closely connected with the job you apply for. And if you are asked
about your weak points remind of those minuses which are the
continuation of those strong points which would be connected with the job. For
example you get used to working hard and you are a little bit worried
that you pay too much attention to the details.

If the interviewer asks you about difficult situations from the past or
the episode from your biography (refusals, previous conviction or bad
experience during your education), try to say which experience did you
get from the difficult situation. Tell that this very situation helped
and taught you and now you are ready to cope with all the difficulties.
When you prepare for the interview, pay attention to your manner of
speech. You should talk quietly and confidently - as a good specialist.
The employer may understand that you are not experienced because your
speech is not confident. Some words create the image of a weak person. You
should avoid such words not glad instead of I am angry and so on.
The impression is lowered by such phrases as I am not an orator, I do
not have much experience, and I am a new person.

If you want to understand what impression you make on people record
your presentation on the tape or CD and listen to it carefully. I do it
every time before the interview and not only interviews but also
different seminars. As usual even the most experienced top-managers do not
satisfy with their self-presentations. So what can we say about ordinary
people? If it is needed correct some details of your presentation and
make it more confident and persuasive.

As it was above mentioned we were talking only about the questions
which the employers usually ask. But the interview should be a kind of
dialog. Do not be afraid of asking different questions. Speak with the
interviewer. First of all you have to find out as much information about
the company as possible. Secondly, the questions which are correctly
formulated tell about your competence and demonstrate your interest in
getting a job. Try to ask the questions which would speak for your hiring.
Make them up beforehand.

There are several questions which would be useful and polite to ask the employer.

What would be the duration of my working day?
Who would be my supervisor?
May I talk to him?
Who would me my subordinates?
May I talk to them and meet them.
Why was this position left by the previous worker?
Is this very position important for the company?
What is the main problem of this position?
What are the opportunities for the professional promotion?

Listen carefully to the answers of the employer and of course tell
something on the topic from your own professional experience.
Maybe you have noticed that there were no questions about the salary in
this list. Do you remember the famous novel of Russian writer Mikhail
Bulgakov Master and Margarita". One of the characters of the novel said
that you should not ask about money. Especially those people who are
mightier than you are. They would offer and give you everything they
think you are worth of. If the interviewer would be interested in you as a
person for the position, he would discuss this question with you. As a
center of your answers should be the professional point of view but not
the interest in money.

It is natural that you should not ask the questions and interrupt the
interviewer. Say it like this: Have you finished? - I also have some
questions which are interesting for me because I am interested in getting
the job". But do not ask especially when the employer is speaking.
Sometimes at the end of the interview the interviewers allow the
candidates to ask some questions what else would you like to know?" if it was
not said it is better to wait until the end of the interview and say:
before the end of the conversation I would like to ask some questions
about the position. I also would like to say some words about my previous
experience." Do not forget to thank the interviewer.
The technique of self presentation.

Now let us look how different factors influence the creation of the
professional image. Different psychological experiments have shown that
more than 50% of stable opinion about the candidate is created during the
first minute of communication. And the researches of the job interviews
have shown and added some information to this conclusion.

It is set that the first impression about the person is made during the
first3-4 minutes and it does not depend on the duration of the
interview. After that the interview creates its tactics or strategy. If you
have made the positive impression he would ask you questions which would
help you to show your positive sides. If you have created negative
impression, be ready to answer strange and difficult questions. That means
that the interview consciously or subconsciously creates the background
of the interview. The result of the interview depends on it. So you
should keep in mind that the significance of the first interview is great.
The first impression and your personal success depend not only on your
words but also on the way you pronounce it. Most of the candidates do
not even think about the mimics and pose. Such things as mimics, body
language and moves of your limbs carry a lot of information about your
personality and way of life.

The background of the self presentation.

Most of the people are afraid of the first interview. And they do it
with vainly. The first interview is the best way to demonstrate the
employer your best features. The interview is more preferable and easy than
for example tests or filling in different forms. And you have to use
all the advantages of this way of testing your abilities.

Nevertheless the fear before the interview is common for all the
candidates. And the reasons are evident. We are afraid of uncertainty - we do
not know what is behind the door. But I may say that there is nothing
except the employer. In most cases you will find there a polite and
amicable person which only would like to know about your ability to cope
with certain type of work. And nothing else.

If you are a little bit alarmed before the interview try to find a
balance between your emotions and appearance. It is very important to save
your ability to concentrate and your nerves. Fear must not be
oppressive. This very constant alarm makes limits of different nature and makes
you feel depressed therefore you lose your faith in your abilities and
strength. But it is really bad to show your depressive mood to the
interview, is not it? In that case you could hardly ever make somebody
interested in your personality.

And remember that the attitude of the interviewer is not based on the
position: this candidate is haughty but he does not know the field of
work". On the contrary, the interviewer thinks that maybe this very
candidate may become a good specialist and work for the development of the

And one more advice: do not treat your failures as an end of your
career. They are inevitable. Treat them as a given. Remember that the
statistics say that you will get a job only once in 20 times. In 19 times you
will fail. And you have to be ready for the refusal. Prepare yourself
that only 1 interview out of 20 would be successful but you will find
the position you have dreamt of all your life. And more quickly you get
19 refusals the more quickly you get a job. One of the best ways to
lower the alarm - is to prepare for the interview. Find out all the
possible information about the company you want to work for. Let your friends
be wild and sinister interviewers. It will help you to overcome the
fear. Think of the possible questions. These tips are really simple but
really useful.